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Felicia Shakespeare is an author, entrepreneur, international speaker and an accomplished educator who is on a mission to inspire others to be intentional about living a life of faith and purpose. Felicia helps women build their brands by connecting to their purpose. She is the author of the book "You Are Your Brand: Building from the Inside Out" for which she was nominated by the Indie Author Legacy Awards as an Author of the Year Finalist. She is the founder of A Purpose Driven Woman, LLC. A Purpose Driven Woman is a safe space for career professionals and female entrepreneurs to receive empowerment resources for personal development and professional growth through online and offline platforms.

Founder, A Purpose Driven Woman LLC | Author | Speaker

Felicia is also the host of her self produced "A Purpose Driven Woman Podcast w Felicia Shakespeare." She also co-owns a restaurant in the City of Chicago with her brother who runs the day to day operations. Felicia holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, Master of Education in Educational Leadership, Master of Teaching, and a Personal Development Coach Certification.

Felicia is the Winner of the 2020 Global Woman Inspirational Award. She is also an award recipient of the 2019 FWD (For Women and Diversity) Award. Felicia is also the recipient of the Women's National Basketball Association's (WNBA) Chicago Sky #RedefinePossible Women’s Leadership Award, recognizing female community leaders in and around the City of Chicago.

Felicia enjoys spending precious time with her family, close friends and colleagues. She also enjoys travel around the US and the World. She enjoys dining out, attending sports events, plays and concerts. She currently resides in Chicago, Illinois (USA).

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